  • 张永洋,曾灿飞,杨朱伟.JO115X液力偶合器流场仿真分析[J].柴油机,2020,42(5):31-34, 49.    [点击复制]
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海军装备部装备项目管理中心,北京 100071;七一一研究所,上海 201108
关键词:  液力偶合器  流场  涡轮  扭矩
The Flow Field Simulation Analysis of JO115X Fluid Coupling
Zhang Yongyang,Zeng Canfei,Yang Zhuwei
Equipment Project Management Center,Naval Equipment Department,Beijing 100071;Shanghai Marine Diesel Engine Research Institute,Shanghai 201108
Abstract:Based on k-ε turbulent model, the flow field of JO115X fluid coupling was simulated and analyzed with the fluid simulation software STAR-CCM+. The velocity and pressure distribution of the flow field of the fluid coupling was obtained. The performance test results show that the maximum error between the simulation value and the test value of turbine torque is 6.6%, which means the simulation is reliable and can offer reference for the design of cavity flow field of fluid coupling.
Key words:  fluid coupling  flow field  turbine  torque