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海军驻上海地区第四军事代表室,上海 201108;七一一研究所,上海 201108
关键词:  泵轴  断裂,疲劳分析, 安全系数
Simulation Analysis of the Crack on aMarine Freshwater Pump Shaft and its Solution
Wu Peng,Zhang Huabing,Zhang Yanting,Zhang Xueyan,Wang Biao,Wang Bin,Yu Huanyu
Fourth Military Representative Office in Shanghai, Shanghai 201108;Shanghai Marine Diesel Engine Research Institute, Shanghai 201108
Abstract:To deal with the crack on a marine freshwater pump shaft, finite element model of the pump shaft was established. Then the high cycle fatigue damage of the pump shaft was analysed by using the stress-fatigue theory and the linear cumulative damage model based on the safety factor method. The results showed that the cracking reason of the pump shaft was that the key groove was the weak area of fatigue, and the fatigue safety factor was insufficient, which led to fatigue cracks at the groove, the crack grow and the groove failure occured. Simulation and tests results verifies that the improvement design of removing the key groove and increasing the shaft diameter has achieved good results, the fatigue safety factor of the pump shaft is improved and meets with the material requirements.
Key words:  pump shaft  crack  fatigue analysis  safety factor