  • 曲佳辉,谢华银,侯天柱,褚洪森.LS1210型高弹性联轴器疲劳寿命预测[J].柴油机,2019,41(3):36-39, 54.    [点击复制]
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七一一研究所,上海 201108
关键词:  高弹性联轴器  疲劳寿命  预测
Fatigue Life Prediction of the LS1210 High Elastic Coupling
Qu Jiahui,Xie Huayin,Hou Tianzhu,Chu Hongsen
Shanghai Marine Diesel Engine Research Institute, Shanghai 201108
Abstract:In order to reduce the research cost of high elastic couplings' fatigue life and shorten the deve-lopment cycle, research was carried out on a mature product which had been widely used in the market. Its fatigue life was predicted by FE-SAFE/ABAQUS combined simulation, and the reliability of fatigue life prediction was verified by actual service life. The quadratic polynomial constitutive model which can accurately describe the mechanical properties of rubber material is fitted through uniaxial and plane tensile tests. The stress and strain distribution of the rubber block under working load was calculated and obtained. Finally, the conclusion of the product's infinite life was obtained through fatigue life analysis, which was consistent with its actual life. The accurate prediction indicates that this fatigue life prediction method is feasible, and can be used in the design and development of similar products.
Key words:  high elastic coupling  fatigue life  prediction