  • 王智慧,黄立勇,雷文平.涡轮增压柴油机仿真模型修正方法及试验比较研究[J].柴油机,2019,41(1):7-11.    [点击复制]
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晋中学院机械学院,山西 晋中 030619;北京理工大学机械与车辆学院,北京 100081
摘要:基于AVL BOOST仿真软件,针对一台4缸涡轮增压柴油机进行建模,在原仿真模型的基础上着重考虑了涡轮增压器传热效应的影响。计算结果与发动机试验数据的比较分析表明:经过修正的发动机仿真模型在保证发动机扭矩、功率等主要性能参数不变的基础上,计算得到的涡轮及压气机进出口温差与原模型相比误差大幅度减小;同时修正后的仿真模型与原模型相比,新鲜空气的质量流量、涡轮膨胀比、压气机压比均无明显变化,表明修正后的模型并无改变涡轮增压器的工作点位置,仅修正了由于传热所导致的压气机出口和涡轮进口的温度变化,以及涡轮增压器的效率变化。
关键词:  涡轮增压柴油机  仿真模型  修正  传热
The Comparison Between the Correction Method and the Experimental Results of the Simulation Model of a Turbocharging Diesel Engine
Wang Zhihui,Huang Liyong,Lei Wenping
School of Mechanical,Jinzhong University,Shanxi Jinzhong 030619;School of Mechanical Engineering,Beijing Institute of Technology,Beijing 100081
Abstract:Based on the simulation software of AVL BOOST, a four-cylinder turbocharging diesel engine simulation model was established, the effect of the turbocharger's heat transfer was considered in the si-mulation model. The calculation results were compared with experimental results, and showed that compared with the original model, the corrected model could substantially decrease the error of temperature difference between inlet and outlet of turbine and compressor, in the premise of keeping the main parameters including torque and power unchanged; it also showed that the mass flow rate of engine fresh air and the pressure ratio of turbine and compressor was not change, which meant that the corrected modal didn′t change the turbocharger operating positions, but only corrected the temperature change of the compressor outlet temperature and turbine inlet and the efficiency change of turbocharger caused by heat transfer.
Key words:  turbocharging diesel engine  simulation model  correction  heat transfer