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海军驻七一一研究所军事代表室,上海 201108;七一一研究所,上海 201108
关键词:  气缸套  温度场  热负荷  优化
Temperature Field Optimization of a Cylinder Liner and Test Verification
Lu Chuanrong,Tang Yihu,Zhang Guoyong,Zhang Huabing,Yan Ping
Naval Deputy Office of SMDERI, Shanghai 201108;Shanghai Marine Diesel Engine Research Institute, Shanghai 201108
Abstract:In the development of a certain type of diesel engine, the temperature of the first piston ring at TDC was relatively high, which may lead to the risk of cylinder scuffing because of lube oil coking. The matching of fuel and air and combusition chamber, as well as the cooling of cylinder liner were improved. The spray and combustion calculation in cylinder and thermo-structure coupling simulation of cylinder li-ners before and after optimization showed that the temperature of the first piston ring at TDC reduced significantly. The follow-up test verified that the above measures could reduce the temperature of the first piston ring at TDC effectively, and the reliability of the friction coupling of cylinder liner-piston ring could be improved.
Key words:  cylinder liner  temperature field  thermal load  optimization