  • 陆鹏,邱爱华,周晓洁,周庆波.基于AHP法的拖轮推进动力系统多方案评估[J].柴油机,2018,40(6):11-14.    [点击复制]
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上海齐耀系统工程有限公司,上海 200090;七一一研究所,上海 200090
关键词:  拖轮  推进动力系统  多方案评估
Multi-Program Evaluation of the Tug Propulsion Power System Based on AHP
Lu Peng,Qiu Aihua,Zhou Xiaojie,Zhou Qingbo
Shanghai Qi Yao System Engineering Co., Ltd., Shanghai 200090;Shanghai Marine Diesel Engine Research Institute, Shanghai 200090
Abstract:In view of the characteristics of tugs, including complex operating condition, small hull structure, compact space and low speed operation at the port, from the environmental protection and energy saving point of view, different design programs of the propulsion power system are put forward. With the use of self-developed multi-program evaluation software based on the AHP algorithm, the different design programs were evaluated, and the appropriate propulsion power system design was determined. In this design, the diesel-electric hybrid system is arranged on the high-speed propulsion shaft by the reversible shaft motor, so that the tug could realize economic operation under various operating modes. Compared with the main diesel engines of traditional tugs, the installed power is reduced by about 20%. The comprehensive energy efficiency increases significantly.
Key words:  tug  propulsion power system  multi-program evaluation