  • 陈涛,陈世林,王辉.ACD320DF双燃料发动机调速执行机构设计分析[J].柴油机,2018,40(3):26-28.    [点击复制]
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安庆中船柴油机有限公司,安徽 安庆 246003
关键词:  发动机  调速执行机构;PROE软件
Design and Analysis of ACD320DF Dual Fuel Engine Speed Regulating Actuator
Chen Tao,Chen Shilin,Wang Hui
Anging CSSC Diesel Engine Co., Ltd., Anhui Anqing 246003
Abstract:PROE software was employed in the design of the speed regulation mechanism of ACD320DF engine to carry out modeling and simulation. The results show that the available fuel supply system can be modified to achieve effective control of the accelerator and thus realize effective control of the engine;the starting moment is the maximum force moment of the spring connecting rod, which can be the main reference for the spring connecting rod and the optimized structure can adapt to double rack resistance.
Key words:  engine  speed regulation mechanism  PROE software