  • 李赫,黄志武,叶林昌,童宗鹏.柴油机基座阻尼减振性能优化及试验研究[J].柴油机,2017,39(5):46-49.    [点击复制]
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中国船舶工业集团第七○八研究所,上海 200011;七一一研究所,上海 201108
摘要:以某船舶柴油机基座为研究对象,采用有限元仿真分析方法对阻尼基座进行优化设计,并开展减振效果检验方法研究。通过模型缩减搭建了符合实船弹性边界条件的等比试验台,分步在不同位置粘贴阻尼材料,进行阻尼前后对比试验。试验结果表明:减振效果达到5 dB以上。该研究结果可为船舶低噪声设计提供技术支撑。
关键词:  柴油机基座  阻尼  减振  试验
Optimization and Test Research of Diesel Foundation on Damping Effect
Li He,Huang Zhiwu,Ye Linchang,Tong Zongpeng
Marine Design & Research Instituie of China,Shanghai 200011;Shanghai Marine Diesel Engine Research Institute,Shanghai 201108
Abstract:The foundation of a certain type of diesel engine was studied. FEM analysis was employed in the optimal design of damping foundation, and the research on the test method of vibration reduction effect was carried out. By means of model reduction, an equal ratio test bed which can meet with the elastic boundary requirements of the real ship was set up, and the damping material was pasted at different positions step by step to contrast the damping effect before and after. The test results show that the vibration reduction has achieved more than 5 dB. The research result can offer technological support for the low-noise design of ships.
Key words:  diesel engine foundation  damping  vibration reduction  test