  • 周秀亚,韩连任,徐震.基于CONVERGE的船用气体机仿真分析[J].柴油机,2017,39(4):18-23.    [点击复制]
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中船动力研究院有限公司,上海 200127
关键词:  船用气体发动机  预燃烧室  燃烧性能
Simulation Analysis of a Marine Gas Engine Based on CONVERGE Software
Zhou Xiuya,Han Lianren,Xu Zhen
China Shipbuilding Power Engineering Institute Co.,Ltd., Shanghai 200127
Abstract:In order to solve the combustion problems of a large gas engine, such as combustion instability, slow combustion rate,and reduction of thermal efficiency or even misfire, pre-chamber combustion system was employed and the concentration of gas mixture in pre-chamber was increased to realize ignition and combusiton. Analysis was carried out using 3-D CFD software package CONVERGE to simulate the engine’s exhaust, intake, compression and combustion process. Based on the simulation results, the pressure,the temperature,the heat release rate curve and the change of temperature field of the combustion chamber were obtained, and the influence of different ignition timing on combustion performance were compared and analyzed with each other.
Key words:  marine gas engine  pre-chamber  combustion performance0