  • 胡永安,杨润岱,唐中,赵新武.GP210稀燃天然气发动机缸内流动与燃烧模拟分析[J].柴油机,2017,39(1):11-15, 21.    [点击复制]
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重庆普什机械有限责任公司,重庆 400050
关键词:  天然气发动机  稀燃  模拟
The In-cylinder Flow and Combustion Performance Simulation ofGP210 Lean-Burn Natural Gas Engine
Hu Yongan,Yang Rundai,Tang Zhong,Zhao Xinwu
Chongqing PUSH Mechanism Co., Ltd.,Chongqing 400050
Abstract:On the basis of flow, heat transfer, chemical reaction and turbulence combustion analysis ,the combustion simulation of GP210 lean-burn natural gas engine was conducted. The combustion simulation results were compared with the test results, which showed that the deviation was less than 5%, and indicated that the simulation was accurate and reliable. Analysis was carried out on the simulation results and the optimization direction of in-cylinder gas flow and combustion was suggested, which offered theoretical basis for efficiency improvement and emissions reduction.
Key words:  natural gas engine  lean burn  simulation