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武汉理工大学 能源与动力工程学院,湖北 武汉 430063
关键词:  双燃料发动机,天然气  逃逸  气门重叠期
Simulation Study of Natural Gas Escape of Dual Fuel Engine
Zhang Xintang,Ren Haiqiang,Xu Ziyang,Tu Denglei
School of Energy and Power Engineering, Wuhan University of Technology,Hubei Wuhan 430063
Abstract:Aiming at the inlet manifold injection diesel/LNG dual fuel engine retrofitted from diesel engine Z6170, with the use of Fluent software, dynamic mesh technology was employed to simulate the process of natural gas escape during valve overlap,and the effect of speed, intake advance angle and exhaust lag angle on natural gas escape during valve overlap were analyzed. The simulation results show that natural gas escape is subsistent in inlet manifold injection diesel/LNG dual fuel engine during valve overlap; in the situation with the same other conditions, as the engine speed increases, the escape of CH4 within one work cycle period decreases during valve overlap; the effect of valve overlap on the escape of CH4 during valve overlap is the biggest, especially the intake advance angle.
Key words:  dual fuel engine  natural gas  escape  valve overlap