  • 石磊,黄兴,张通.电控单体泵燃油系统仿真研究[J].柴油机,2015,37(6):4-7.    [点击复制]
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海军驻七一一研究所军事代表室,上海 201108;海装驻上海地区军事代表局,上海 201210;七一一研究所,上海 201108
关键词:  电控单体泵  Hydsim  结构参数  性能
Simulation on Fuel Injection System with Electronically Controlled Unit Pump
Shi Lei,Huang Xing,Zhang Tong
Naval Deputy Office of SMDERI, Shanghai 201108;Naval Deputy Bureau of Shanghai, Shanghai 201210;Shanghai Marine Diesel Engine Research Institute, Shanghai 201108
Abstract:The simulation model of electronically controlled unit pump(EUP)system was built up using Hydsim software, and the model was calibrated with experimental data. The influence of key structure parameters of EUP system on its performance was studied using this simulation model. The simulation results show that the injection nozzle's total flow area is in inverse proportion to maximum injection pressure, and in direct proportion to maximum injection rate; the length of high-pressure fuel pipe has little influence on the injection pressure and injection rate, but only influence the injection advance angle; the diameter of high-pressure fuel pipe has little influence on maximum injection rate, and is in inverse proportion to maximum injection pressure.
Key words:  EUP  Hydsim  structure parameter  performance