  • 袁晓军,腾和,曾小春,李斌,罗剑坤,涂宏海,熊乐,罗富胜.对某增压柴油机润滑系统的一维流体动力学分析及设计改进[J].柴油机,2015,37(5):40-45.    [点击复制]
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江铃汽车股份有限公司,江西 南昌 330001
关键词:  压柴油机  润滑系统  仿真分析  改进设计
One-dimensional Hydraulic Analysis on the Lubrication System ofa Turbocharged Diesel Engine and Design Modification
Yuan Xiaojun,Teng He,Zeng Xiaochun,Li Bing,Luo Jiankun,Tu Honghai,Xiong Le,Luo Fusheng
Jiangling Motor Co., Ltd.,Jiangxi Nanchang 330001
Abstract:Root causes for early stage turbo-bearing failure, and insufficient piston cooling encountered in a turbo-charged diesel engine were analyzed via computer simulation employing 1D hydraulic analysis tool FLOWMASTER,The simulation model for the lubrication system was established to analyze the rationality of the opening parameters of the bypass valve on the lubrication system. It was found that the problems aforementioned were due to improper opening pressures of the bypass valve for the assembly of the oil filter and oil cooler, and of the piston cooling jets. Based on simulation results, opening pressures for these two control valves were optimized,the modified lubrication system had no above problems anymore,the reliability of the engine was improved.
Key words:  turbo-charged diesel engine  lubrication system  simulation research  modification design