  • 陆传荣,贺晓亮,苗伟驰,巫立民.高强度连杆轻量化设计研究[J].柴油机,2015,37(2):22-25.    [点击复制]
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关键词:  连杆  有限元  结构  优化
Study on High Strength Connecting Rod Lightweight Design
Lu Chuanrong,He Xiaoliang,Miao Weichi,Wu Limin
Naval Deputy Office of Shanghai Marine Diesel Engine Research Institute, Shanghai 201108
Abstract:To optimize the configuration of a high-load diesel engine’s connecting rod, as well as reduce its mass and stress concentration level, finite-element method was used to analyze the effect of structure optimization on improvement of stress distribution, mass reduction, and increasing of structural strength and stiffness. The analysis results show that after structure optimization, the mass could be reduced by about 8kg, without compromise on high strength; the stress concentration area of the connecting rod bolt has been significantly improved, the configuration of the connecting rod is easier to process. The durability test indicate that the strength and stiffness of the connecting rod after optimization can meet the application requirements.
Key words:  connecting rod  finite-element method  structure  optimization〖FL