  • 俞乐,王丽杰,赵同宾.不同惯量飞轮对脉冲机组轴系扭振性能影响研究[J].柴油机,2014,36(6):30-34.    [点击复制]
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关键词:  脉冲机组  大惯量飞轮  轴系  扭振
Torsional Vibration Characteristic ofPulse Set with Different Inertia Flywheel
Yu Le,Wang Lijie,Zhao Tongbin
Shanghai Marine Diesel Engine Research Institute, Shanghai 200090
Abstract:The equal system models of pulse set shafting with three different inertial flywheels were established. Using torsion vibration calculation software for shafting, free vibration and force vibration for pulse set shafting were calculated with three different inertial flywheels. Effect of different inertial flywheels on inherent frequency, torsional vibration stresss for crankshaft, electric angle for rotor, moment for flexible coupling were studied. According to the analysis results, the reasonable running scheme was presented. Using torsion vibration measurement and analysis system, one group of torsion vibration calculation of pulse set with inertia flywheel results were checked, which proved the correctness of theory calculation results.
Key words:  pulse set  big inertial flywheel  shafting  torsional vibration〖FL