  • 刘逢春,张俊,朱锐锋,孙学东,张永青.台架使用中的热膜式空气流量计修正方法研究[J].柴油机,2014,36(1):53-56.    [点击复制]
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关键词:  柴油机  空气流量计  误差修正
Correction Method for Thermal Mass Air Flowmeterin the Application of Test Bench
Liu Fengchun,Zhang Jun,Zhu Ruifeng,Sun Xuedong,Zhang Yongqing
China North Engine Research Institute,Shanxi Datong 037036
Abstract:The principle of ABB thermal mass flowmeter is introduced. Error extraction of ultra difference flowmeter was carried out with the employment of the reference meter, and characteristic curve of compressor was employed to exclude air flow measurement errors because of inconsistent conditions. Analysis of the disadvantages of ultra poor flowmeter signal processing unit in the the nonlinear error correction was carried out. Flow deviation polynomial fitting model was established, and extreme value theory was extracted based on polynomial coefficient, and applied to Secondary Apparatus. The results show that the revised air flow meter could meet the measuring inspection requirements.
Key words:  diesel engine  air flow meter  error correction〖FL