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关键词:  高压共轨柴油机  控制参数  MAP  优化
Calibration Optimization of High Pressure Common Rail Diesel Engine
Fan Kai,Chen Hong,Liu Zhenming,Ouyang Guangyao
Naval Deputy Office of Jiangnan ShipyardGroupCo.,Ltd.,Shanghai 200129;Naval Deputy Office of 40;School of Marine and Power Engineering,Naval University of Engineering, Hubei Wuhan 430033
Abstract:In order to optimize the economic performance of a self-developed high pressure common rail electronic control diesel engine, as well as limit the emissions within the regulations standard, the MAP of its controlling parameters, such as common rail pressure, injection advance angle, etc. are calibrated optimally with the method of off-line stationary optimum calibration. The influence of the above mentioned parameters on fuel consumption rate and NOx emission are studied. Research results showed that after the optimization, the fuel consumption rate of this high pressure common rail diesel engine decreased about 6%.
Key words:  high pressure common rail diesel engine  controlling parameters  MAP  optimization