摘要:通过分析指出,由于柴油机大修期的确定目前尚无统一的标准,制造商出于不同的考虑,有不同的取向,因此不同品牌柴油机大修期的长短常不具有可比性。对目前确定大修期的诸多考虑因素进行了分析,特别对MTU公司确定大修期的原则进行了介绍:以故障率曲线为依据,根据应用组的载荷-时间比例确定大修期;可根据实际载荷状况进行调整,并以预防性维修相配合。为进一步探讨合理确定柴油机大修期的工作提供了借鉴。 |
关键词: 柴油机 大修期 故障率曲线 |
Discussion on Determination of TBO of Diesel Engine |
Lu Weilun |
MTU Shanghai Office, Shanghai 200030 |
Abstract:It is pointed out that TBO of diesel engines made by different manufacturers can not be compared with each other, because when TBO is determined, there is no identical criteria, and manufacturers often have different considerations due to various reasons. The various factors which need to be considered when determining TBO are analyzed, and the principles MTU uses to determine TBO are introduced in particular. Depending on the failure rate curve, MTU determines TBO of its products as per predetermined engine load-time profile of an application group. TBO also can be adjusted as per actual load profile. On the other hand, to match TBO the preventive maintenance schedule should be strictly followed. These principles are helpful for further exploring the proper way to determine TBO of diesel engine. |
Key words: diesel engine TBO failure rate curve |