摘要:根据某轮主机缸套异常磨粒磨损的故障现象及故障发展过程,结合柴油机磨粒磨损机理,对该轮主机缸套异常磨粒磨损故障的原因进行了探讨与分析。分析表明:燃油中催化剂粉末含量偏高、燃油在贮存环节受到污染及燃油净化处理不当是造成此次故障的根本原因。据此提出了加强柴油机日常维护管理的措施。 |
关键词: 船舶主机 缸套 磨粒磨损 |
Research on the Squeal Noise Reduction Technology of an Engine |
Abstract:Based on an engine, the mechanism of its squeal noise generation was studied. It was conclu- ded that the squeal noise was caused by the engine' s 2 130 Hz disturbance force exciting the four-leaved flower type resonance radiation of rotating flywheel. Therefore, the method of flywheel frequency shift for reducing the squeal noise was suggested. The mechanical structure of flywheel was redesigned and the test results show that the squeal noise of the engine was controlled. A-weighted sound level airborne noise of the engine was reduced by 7.8 dB according to the tests, which technically satisfied the design requirements. |
Key words: engine squeal noise resonance noise reduction frequency shift |